Transylvania Soccer Camp Registration


in MT Kisco, NY at 325 West Patent Rd, MT Kisco, NY, 10549


Half Day Camp: $200.00 per child. Choose any week from all 6 listed sessions: Mornings only: 9:00am -12:00pm/ noon, Monday-Friday

To enroll in the program, a parent/guardian must complete the registration form and submit it online (by clicking "I AGREE"), and then mail the check (payable to TRANSYLVANIA GYM & SOCCER LLC) to the following address: Transylvania Gym & Soccer LLC, 11 Grace Court, Bethel, CT 06801


I am registering my child for the following program:

By typing your name above as the parent/guardian, you agree with the terms outlined below. To enable the Town of Mt Kisco, Rippowam Cisqua School and Transylvania Gym & Soccer LLC to accept registration and permit participation in the Town of Mt Kisco, Rippowam Cisqua School and Transylvania Gym & Soccer LLC’ s activities by the above named player. I player’s parent / guardian, hereby give my consent to his /her participation and agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless, the Town of Mt Kisco, Rippowam Cisqua School and Transylvania Gym & Soccer LLC, their officers, directors instructors/coaches, and representatives from any claim out for injury arising out of the Town of Mt Kisco, Rippowam Cisqua School and Transylvania Gym & Soccer LLC’ s activities. In case of emergency I hereby authorize treatment and care of player by any hospital, doctor, or emergency or ambulance association.